Do you have a mantra? It won’t kill you if you don’t, BUT, they can be a big help in staying focused on something, like a change we want to see consistently in our own behavior or beliefs. A mantra is basically a word or phrase that reflects a belief or desired belief. It can be said once, or repeated, sometimes in chant form.
My own personal mantra for this year is “I am open”. I’m partial to mantras that begin with “I am” because the thing we have the most control over, if anything, is our own state of mind, and mantras are particularly useful for such.
I’m creating a series of images containing mantras that I will post on Mondays. They will definitely be posted on Instagram @dreamliferecipe, and various other social media streams. If I have more to say about that particular mantra (and the time to say it, of course!), then I may also blog about it here.
Most importantly, I want you to feel comfortable to use them for yourself. If I publish one that resonates for you, then save it as your desktop background, share it with your friends, print it out and tape it to your wall. Also, if you have a mantra that you’d like to share, please feel free to leave it in the comments! I may even use it for one of my designs. For now, I’ll leave you with mine.
– Coach Jamie –